Dental Fillings
in Anderson, IN
Tooth decay or trauma can lead to greater dental problems if left untreated. At Edgewood Family Dentistry, we may recommend dental fillings to treat tooth decay, trauma, or other similar dental conditions. Dental fillings can strengthen your teeth and restore the function and aesthetics of your smile. To learn more about dental fillings or other restorative dentistry treatments in Anderson, IN, contact our office!
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How are dental fillings done?
When you’re getting a dental filling at our office, our team will administer a local anesthetic to ensure your comfort. Once you’re comfortable, Dr. Kuiper, our Anderson dentist, will remove the decayed or damaged dental tissue and thoroughly clean the tooth. Dr. Kuiper will ensure the composite dental filling material matches the shade of your surrounding teeth and carefully layer, sculpt, and harden the filling material for a curing light. Lastly, we will ensure your filling feels comfortable with your bite before polishing your tooth for a healthy, seamless look!

Do dental fillings need to be replaced?
Dental fillings are used to treat an area of decay or damage. While modern dentistry has improved dental filling material, a tooth filling won’t last forever. On average, composite tooth-colored fillings last 10 years before needing to be replaced. Daily wear and tear, diet, your oral hygiene routine, and how often you visit the dentist are all factors that can impact the longevity of your dental filling.

What type of fillings are available?
Modern dentistry has resulted in several types of dental filling material. The most common types of fillings include silver amalgam fillings, composite fillings, and ceramic fillings. At Edgewood Family Dentistry, we proudly offer high-quality composite fillings. Composite fillings, made of ceramic and acrylic, have become a preferred choice among dentists and patients for many reasons. Composite fillings offer a natural-looking appearance, are metal-free, and preserve more of your natural tooth structure. To learn more about our dental fillings in Anderson, IN, reach out to us today!
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